About This Theme
This theme focuses on experimental and theoretical modeling of space weathering, i.e. solar-wind (ion, and electron) and micrometeorite induced volatile production and transport. The efforts will scale from first principles atomistic perspectives to meso- and macroscale scale processes. It will also involve development and incorporation of new state-of-the art nanoscale sample characterization and analysis tools so that the relevant parameters for modeling can be obtained and verified.

Sub Tasks
Theme 1 will contribute directly to resolving strategic knowledge gaps associated with lunar volatile exploration, identification and eventual extraction. The sub-tasks are:
Task 1.1: Solar Wind Ion and Electron Production of Volatiles (H2O, H2, CH4)
Task 1.2: Characterizations of the Volatile Evolution on the Moon by Impact Mixing
Task 1.3: Radiation Effects on Diffusion of Solar Wind Implanted Defects
Task 1.4: Modeling Space Weather Formation and Release of H2, H2O CH4

Learn More About the Other Themes
Theme 2
Theme 2 focuses on radiation processing of icy regolith and understanding volatile transport and sequestration particularly in the polar regions.
Theme 3
This theme will address the fundamental radiation effects involved in radiometric dating and geochronology, the physics and chemistry correlated with dust charging, and novel electrostatic approaches to mitigate the risks of dust.