Theme 3

Theme 3

Grain Charging, Dust Mitigation, and Radiometric Dating

About This Theme

The interaction of cosmic and solar wind radiation with the lunar surface can produce atom vacancies, defects and etched tracks that have been used in geochronology. These defects can trap charge and are signatures of the radiation and geological history of the lunar surface. Physical agitation of dust during exploration activities also leads to grain charging via triboelectric processes. Charging and dust adherence are potentially major risk factors to both equipment and astronaut operations on the lunar surface.

Sub Tasks

This theme will address the fundamental radiation effects involved in radiometric dating and geochronology, the physics and chemistry correlated with dust charging, and novel electrostatic approaches to mitigate the risks of dust. The sub-tasks are:

Task 3.1: The Nature of Lunar Regolith Grain Charging and Discharging

Task 3.2: Dynamics of Dust Adhesion and Mitigation

Task 3.3: Grain Charging and Radiation Damage: Radiometric Dating Methods

Learn More About the Other Themes

Theme 1

This theme focuses on experimental and theoretical modeling of space weathering, i.e. solar-wind (ion, and electron) and micrometeorite induced volatile production and transport.

Theme 2

Theme 2 focuses on radiation processing of icy regolith and understanding volatile transport and sequestration particularly in the polar regions.